Reflecting on Interviews.

  • ?What three (good) research questions could be answered using this approach

  • ?What is the impact of entertaining movies on the fluency of second language learners? Why-
    ? Should videos and short movies be used in classes to improve student's speaking skill?
    ?Do movies affect vocabulary acquisition of second language learners? Why-

    ·       What assumptions about the nature of knowledge (epistemology) seem to be associated with this approach?

    Interviews are a qualitative method where questions are asked to elicit information. Interviews can be constructed with focus group or surveys. This method is  usually flexible, because the .interviewer can ask follow up questions

          ?What kinds of ethical issues arise
    Confidentiality is an important issue. Interviewees shouldn’t be named, unless their permission has been explicitly sought. Also, it is important that procedures of the interview are explained to the interview and are laid out in writing. Finally, The interviewer must be aware of issues   .involving their answers and privacy

    ·     ? What would "validity" imply in a project that used this approach

    When it comes to validity, there is a difference between structured and unstructured interviews. Structured interviews are twice as valid as unstructured interviews. Also, the validity of the interview is hugely affected by the person who makes the interview “ the interviewer”. These two things can increase or decrease the validity of interviews.

    What are some of the practical or ethical issues that would need to be considered?

    Many interviews concern issues that are sensitive; this can make interviews emotionally intense. This might harm both interviewees and interviewer. Also, there is a potential harm to physical 
    safety, for example, interviewing homeless youths.

    ·        Find and reference at least two published articles that have used this approach (aside from the examples given in this course). Make some notes about how the approach is described and used in each paper, linking to your reflections above.

     First article: Effective Teaching Methods in Higher Education: Requirements and Barriers

    This research  aimed to investigate effective teaching in higher education in Iran based on the 
    experiences oft professors in the country and local professors of Isfahan University of Technology. Thi qualitative content analysis study was conducted through purposeful sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten faculty members. I believe that the chose of interview method is effective in this research. The effectiveness increasedm because the interview process was largely dependent on the questions that arose in the interaction between 
    the interviewer and interviewees.

    F. Verelst & G. Langie, Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst, Belgium

    The  aim of this research is to develop a possible solution for non-traditional students. Seven non-traditional students were interviewed. Beside conducting interviews, the results of these interviews were systematically classified and additionally completed with the opinions and experiences of some willing students, colleagues, administrative staff and the study advice service. Which made the results more authentic and accurate.
